Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Posted by Unknown | File under : ,
How to eliminate insomnia without drugs - Insomnia is difficulty initiating sleep or maintaining sleep. Generally insomnia is caused by a disturbance in the timing and sleep mechanism, it is usually exacerbated by the presence of unhealthy behaviors, such as irregular time to sleep, often staying up late, and the habit of consuming food or beverages, especially those containing caffeine and smoking also causes someone difficult to sleep.
eliminate insomnia without drugs

A person with insomnia is usually difficult to fall asleep at night, but he woke up too early in the morning. He often woke up while sleeping at night. Person who suffering from insomnia is also often not feel refreshed when he woke up from his sleep, he could not sleep even though his body was tired and too difficult to consult.

People who suffer from insomnia usually begins with the appearance of symptoms, such as :
  1. Difficulty falling or not achieving deep sleep. This situation could go on all night, and within days, weeks or more.
  2. Feel tired when I wake up and not feel the freshness. Those who suffer from insomnia often find it is never asleep at all.

  3. Headache in the morning. This is often called the " hangover effect ", in fact, the person does not have a drunk in the evening .

  4. Difficulty of concentrating

  5. Easy vomiting

  6. Eyes reddened

  7. Daytime sleepiness

Here are some ways to eliminate insomnia without drugs , such as :
  1. By doing mild but regular exercise. According to some research with regular exercise can help someone who is experiencing insomnia. Physical exercise effective should be done in the morning, so that the body can fight stress that comes with better and build stronger physically.
  2. Do not eat or drink too much before bed. When stomach is in a state of satiety or hunger it create discomfort, while drinking too much will lead to a sense of desire to urinate frequently arise and interfere with sleep.
  3. Sleep in a comfortable environment. Try to make the atmosphere become more airy bedroom with air-conditioning adjusted using the temperature or room temperature , turn off the lights , make the bedroom more fragrant with air freshene.
  4. Reduce consumption of beverages has stimulant properties or that makes you awake at night, such as tea, coffee and so on. If you want to drink a glass of warm milk before going to bed a few hours.
  5. Shower or soak in warm water for 30 minutes before bedtime. Warm water will have a stimulating effect for sedation or sleep, and reduce body tension.

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